HOW MANY OF US HAVE STOPPED TO THINK WHAT A MOST NOBLE WAY OF LIFE, IS THE RELIGIOUS LIFEHow many of us have stopped to think what a most noble way of life, is the Religious Life.

May Our Lord Blessed Our Priesthood, and Religious Brothers and Sisters!

How many of us have stopped to think what a most noble way of life, is the Religious Life. How many of us can live completely dedicated to what matters to God, and what is what should matter to all of us.

I was reflecting about which is the best vocation in life, the one that gives the most, and thought it has to be The Priesthood, and I thought, if that is the case? why a lack of people choosing The Religious Life, and also thought, we all encourage our children to be doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc, all the way from childhood, play to be a police officer, a fire fighter, but how many play to be a Priest?

To be a Priest, in my mind is one of the most important vocations, and ways of life, as well as any other religious life, as they are the ones that bring to us Christ, if we do not encourage and teach our children this importance, and great way of life, and we let it keep disappearing, who in the future is going to give Christ to our future generations?

We are blessed by Our Priests, and many times we do not realize it, and think about it what life would be without receiving Christ each day, or at least once a week. Think about the many times we have been in need of a few kind words, and where have we found them, how many times a love one dies in the middle of the night, and a Priest shows up to bring us Consolation.

To all Parents and Grandparents, let us pray to God to give us the wisdom to guide our children to Christ, to keep their hearts open and say Yes, if God would see to call them, for us parents and grandparents to support them, and not show opposition, like so many times happens.

A doctor heals bodies, a Priest heals the whole person, so many times phisycal healing can not be obtain without spiritual healing, a teacher provides knowledge, a Priest gives us the opportunity to receive the Wisdom of God, an architect designs our homes, and the engineer builds them, the Priest builds with us the staircase we all need to climb to reach our eternal home.

Please, join me in praying for more future Priests and Religious Brothers and Sisters, but let us not only just pray, let us teach our children to love them, to support them, to help them, and to learn that they are just humans as we are, and that there is nothing intimidating in accepting God’s call and saying yes, as is God himself who leads all of us to be doctors, teachers, police officers, etc.

To be a Priest, is to imitate Our Highest Priest, JESUS, to be a Religious Brother and Sister, is to imitate Our Blessed Mother, and the Apostles.

May we all listen the call of Our Lord to follow Him, and to do His will.

Author: Rocio Carruitero Parr.(Memphis, U.S.A)